Why you need to manage farm effluent.

Ashburton Agricultural Contractors- Central Injection Agri

Why you need to manage farm effluent.

Waste water from farming’s animal operations is referred to as “farm effluent.” Your farm effluent has nutrients, nitrate-producing bacteria, phosphate, potash, and a variety of other components that can boost crop growth and improve soil health.

What You Should Know About Managing Farm Effluent

Farm effluent management has been a major concern for farmers in New Zealand since the 1980s. In fact, the government introduced legislation requiring farmers to treat farm effluent in order to protect waterways. However, there are still some misconceptions about how farm effluent should be managed.

The first misconception is that farm effluent is toxic waste. In reality, farm effluent is simply wastewater from animal operations. It contains nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus that are essential for plant growth. Farmers use farm effluent to fertilise crops, which helps them grow bigger and healthier plants.

If you want to know what farm effluent management is, then you should read this article. Farm effluent management is the process of treating manure before it goes into the environment. There are many different ways to treat and apply farm effluent, but the most common method is to spread it onto fields. This allows farmers to apply fertiliser without having to worry about spreading chemicals into waterways.

At Central Injection Agri our specialist machines have proven to be the most effective way to take advantage of the nutrient rich liquid slurry with our Slurry Injector.

The first step in managing farm effluent is to collect it.

Central Injection Agri taking effluent out of the pondFarmers use a variety of methods to collect manure, such as using a slurry pit or collecting it directly from the floor of the shed. Once collected, the manure must be transported to a treatment facility.

Some farms use large ponds to store manure until it is ready to be applied to the field. These need to be stirred from time to time to activate the bacteria. This process is known as Pond Stirring – another service on offer at Central Injection Agri.

When the manure has been left to breakdown, the solids are spread onto paddocks via a muck spreader and the liquid slurry is perfect to be injected into paddocks.


For all your slurry and effluent solutions – Talk to the team at Central Injection Agri.