Keeping costs low, improving soils, reducing environmental impact.

At Central Injection Agri, we adhere to a clear philosophy focused on continuous improvement and development. We regularly assess our processes and cultivation systems to implement more efficient and sustainable business practices. Our expertise lies in creating optimal growing conditions for your pastures, ensuring the best possible growth for your crops.

Slurry Injection

Slurry injection enhances nutrient absorption in soil, reduces odor, and minimizes nutrient runoff. This method promotes better crop growth while protecting the environment.


The Elho stone picker efficiently clears stones from fields, enhancing soil quality and crop yields. Its eco-friendly design promotes sustainability while saving time, labour and prevents implement damage.

Green waste Compost

Organic compost enriches soil by increasing organic material, enhancing water retention, and boosting fertility while fostering beneficial microbes and earthworms. By using local green waste compost it reduces the need for chemical fertilisers on your farm

Muck Spreading

Utilising on-farm muck spreading enriches soil organically, boosts fertility, and improves microbial health, all while reducing reliance on chemical fertilisers.

Pond Stirring

Properly maintaining your effluent pond can be challenging but essential. Frequent mixing is crucial to maximise nutritional potential and improve pasture yield effectively.

The Team

Central Inje

Central Injection Agri, your local ag contractors, is dedicated to providing top-notch on-farm solutions. Their nutrient application systems enhance crop growth and soil health efficiently.

The team at Central Injection Agri know their shit! 

Correctly managed, the slurry and manure output on your farm can be a cost-effective way of fertilizing your paddocks while also being environmentally friendly. Here at Central Injection Agri we have taken that ethos one step further by injecting this nutrient-rich by-product directly into your soil.

How traditional slurry spreading affects your land.

  • Slurry sits on the ground making it susceptible to runoff when the rain comes threatening contamination of waterways
  • Surface slurry omits an unpleasant odor, releasing gas into the atmosphere.
  • Smothering of the topsoil and not allowing the earth’s natural enzymes to work effectively.

Benefits of Slurry Injection with Central Injector Agri.

When the nutrient-rich slurry is injected into the ground there is an Increase nutrient availability to the soil, encouraging grass growth as it hasn't been smothered.

Decreases pollution to your and your neighbour's property and surrounding waterways and habitats through reduced runoff.

Over time there have been many experiments using these two techniques to identify just which option is most beneficial for the land.

Hands down – Slurry injection is recognised as the most beneficial option. If you are wanting a quick turnaround between harvesting and reusing your land –  slurry injection is the way to go.

We have applied slurry using this technique over many farms in Mid and South Canterbury,  The yield of the grass and or crops tend to be healthier and thicker. Where there has been a problem with compaction from traditional slurry spreading, now those areas too have rejuvenated into higher-yielding crops.

Make use of this liquid bi-product from your cattle and inject it directly into the soil. Reduce fertizler costs, lessen your environmental footprint and reduce the contamination of waterways.

Central Injection Agri is the solution for your slurry application.

Customer Reviews

Hear from some of the clients we have worked with: