Tag - Slurry Management

Slurry Management at Central Injection Agri

Your Trusted Agricultural Contractors for Farm Slurry Management

Central Injection Agri: Your Trusted Agricultural Contractors for On-Farm Slurry Management In today's fast-paced agricultural landscape, managing slurry effectively is paramount for farmers looking to ensure productivity while adhering to environmental regulations. Central Injection Agri stands out as a trusted agricultural contractor, focusing on a comprehensive range of services tailored to...

Slurry Application Central Injection Agri fertilising farms with slurry

Slurry Application Benefits with CIA

Slurry application on farms can be effective for a few reasons. Firstly, dairy effluent is rich in nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are essential for plant growth. With slurry application, farmers can recycle these nutrients back into the soil, minimizing the need for synthetic fertilizers and reducing costs. The...

Slurry Injection, Adding Value for farms

Cost Effective Slurry Management

  Being cost effective is always top of mind for New Zealand farmers. Correct Slurry Management is the way forward to reducing the costs of other farm inputs such as potassium, phosphate, fuel and nitrogen Manure injection is a slurry management technique that is a viable and sustainable option for many farms...