Tag - Effluent

Central Injection Agri On REX Radio

The Central Injection Agri team was thrilled to speak with the Rural Exchange team and spoke about what we do at Central Injection Agri. If you didn't previously know, the CIA spreads muck and injects slurry throughout the whole of Canterbury, including North Otago. We are based in Pleasant Point, but...

Effluent Management at Central Injection Agri

Effluent Management at CIA Ltd.

The team at Central Injection Agri combines advanced modern technology with professional service. The CIA effluent services include: Pond Stirring, emptying of effluent ponds, muck spreading - deal for cleaning out Herd stand-off pads & shelters, Slurry Injection, Stone Picking Pond Stirring Agitation or pond stirring is necessary in tanks and ponds ensure...