Tag - Agricultural Contractors

Stone picker at CIA LTD

Agriculture contractors near me

Central Injection Agri is a leading agricultural contractor specializing in providing top-quality services to farmers in the region. As one of the premier agriculture contractors near you, Central Injection Agri offers a wide range of solutions to meet the diverse needs of modern farming operations. One of the key services offered...

Slurry Injection, Adding Value for farms

Cost Effective Slurry Management

  Being cost effective is always top of mind for New Zealand farmers. Correct Slurry Management is the way forward to reducing the costs of other farm inputs such as potassium, phosphate, fuel and nitrogen Manure injection is a slurry management technique that is a viable and sustainable option for many farms...

Agriculture Contractors near me, CIA Ltd are Ag Contractors Ashburton.

Ag Contractor – Central Injection Agri

Central Injection Agri takes pride in being Ag Contractors available to service Canterbury's vast farming district. We are flexible with the area we service, as we are based in Pleasant Point and have a depot in Ashburton. The majority of our Ag Contracting work is in Mid Canterbury, including rural areas...

Benefits of Slurry Injection image

Open Slot Slurry Injection

Three Variations of Slurry Injection Techniques These lower emissions from slurries and liquid manures by placing the manure below the crop canopy, that reduces the surface area exposed to the air and the air flow over it. Depending on the crop height, these machines' efficacy can change. The three primary categories of...

Agricultural Contractors near me

Managing your Slurry – Agricultural Contractors near me

Agricultural Contractors near me - Central Injection Agri (CIA ltd) We are agricultural contractors in Canterbury that take the hassle out of the management of your slurry. We work in combination with your effluent infrastructure and remove the slurry that is collected into ponds and apply to pasture in the right...