Cost Effective Slurry Management

Slurry Injection, Adding Value for farms

Cost Effective Slurry Management

Cost effective slurry management from Central Injection Agri


Being cost effective is always top of mind for New Zealand farmers. Correct Slurry Management is the way forward to reducing the costs of other farm inputs such as potassium, phosphate, fuel and nitrogen

Manure injection is a slurry management technique that is a viable and sustainable option for many farms to reduce expenses and increase crop yields. Additionally, the practice is a superb environmental response that has been prioritised by Dairying New Zealand.

Farmers have the opportunity to make better use of their existing resources with slurry injection.

Firstly, manure injection is cost effective and assists in retaining all of the input rather than losing some to evaporation. Secondly, the injection procedure reduces the demand for side-dressed nitrogen, which will be significantly more expensive this year.

Nitrogen that is captured through injection is effectively nitrogen that your farm has already paid for- Cost effective slurry management in action!

Slurry Management is easy with the slurry injection system at Central Injection Agri.

We can pump vast amounts of slurry – 180,000 to 200,000 litres of slurry an hour! There is zero soil compaction, as a heavy tractor does not have to travel across the paddock. The team at Central Injection Agri can pump 2.5 million litres of effluent from a pond in 13 hours.

The Rotomax system can operate over a large area. The pump can deliver effluent to the injector up to 2.6kms away from an effluent pond and the hose connecting to the pump stretches up to 530 metres.

We are able to  inject the slurry to capture more nitrogen rather than losing a considerable amount of it to the atmosphere. According to studies, compared to injecting, broadcast spreading without integration can result in a loss of up to 30% of the nitrogen already present in dairy manure to the atmosphere.

Get in touch with the team at Central Injection Agri today for more information on how slurry injection is an effective tool in keeping costs down and effective management of your effluent systems.