
Slurry Ashburton with Central Injection Agri

Effective on Farm Slurry Solutions

With fertiliser prices soaring and concerns over its supply, as well as questions over slurry ammonia emissions, farmers are being urged to look at how bacteria and enzymes can help producers capitalise on their slurry’s true value. Central Injection Agri takes Slurry Seriously Heavy Duty Pond Stirrers from Central Injection Agri mixes...

Slurry Injection, Adding Value for farms

Cost Effective Slurry Management

  Being cost effective is always top of mind for New Zealand farmers. Correct Slurry Management is the way forward to reducing the costs of other farm inputs such as potassium, phosphate, fuel and nitrogen Manure injection is a slurry management technique that is a viable and sustainable option for many farms...

Ashburton Agricultural Contractors- Central Injection Agri

Why you need to manage farm effluent.

Waste water from farming's animal operations is referred to as "farm effluent." Your farm effluent has nutrients, nitrate-producing bacteria, phosphate, potash, and a variety of other components that can boost crop growth and improve soil health. What You Should Know About Managing Farm Effluent Farm effluent management has been a major concern...

Agriculture Contractors near me, CIA Ltd are Ag Contractors Ashburton.

Ag Contractor – Central Injection Agri

Central Injection Agri takes pride in being Ag Contractors available to service Canterbury's vast farming district.  We are flexible with the area we service, as we are based in Pleasant Point and have a depot in Ashburton. The majority of our Ag Contracting work is in Mid Canterbury, including rural areas like...

Central Injection Agri On REX Radio

The Central Injection Agri team was thrilled to speak with the Rural Exchange team and spoke about what we do at Central Injection Agri. If you didn't previously know, the CIA spreads muck and injects slurry throughout the whole of Canterbury, including North Otago. We are based in Pleasant Point, but...

Benefits of Slurry Injection image

Open Slot Slurry Injection

Three Variations of Slurry Injection Techniques These lower emissions from slurries and liquid manures by placing the manure below the crop canopy, that reduces the surface area exposed to the air and the air flow over it. Depending on the crop height, these machines' efficacy can change. The three primary categories of...

Dairy Effluent Solutions

Dairy Effluent Solutions Dairy effluent is a valuable resource which, when managed well, increases pasture production and reduces fertiliser costs. Between 1990 and 2019: dairy cattle numbers increased by 82 percent nationally from 3.4 million to 6.3 million. Canterbury dairy cattle increased tenfold (973 percent) from 113,000 to 1.2 million. Southland dairy cattle...

Effluent Management at Central Injection Agri

Effluent Management at CIA Ltd.

The team at Central Injection Agri combines advanced modern technology with professional service. The CIA effluent services include: Pond Stirring, emptying of effluent ponds, muck spreading - deal for cleaning out Herd stand-off pads & shelters, Slurry Injection, Stone Picking Pond Stirring Agitation or pond stirring is necessary in tanks and ponds ensure...

Agricultural Contractors near me

Managing your Slurry – Agricultural Contractors near me

Agricultural Contractors near me - Central Injection Agri (CIA ltd) Central Injection Agri: Your Trusted Agricultural Contractors Near Me for Slurry Management in Canterbury In the picturesque region of Canterbury, where farming plays a critical role in the local economy and community, Central Injection Agri stands as a beacon of expertise in slurry...